Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 11 Exhibits: LaGuardia vs. MoMA P.S.1

Photo from MoMA P.S.1
Certain subjects are simply not easy for me to explore.  Death, abuse, mutilation and other sad depressing images and ideals take a toll on me.  That said, the exploration of the September 11th exhibits at both LaGuardia Community College and MoMA P.S.1 were quite difficult to view but I came away with more field research experience and a new favorite art piece.  I enjoyed the MoMA exhibition a great deal more than the LaGuardia exhibition but both were very interesting.  I believe it was the size and scope of certain pieces in MoMA P.S.1 that won me over.  One of my favorite pieces was Janet Cardiff’s “The Forty-Part Motet."  This piece is more “audio” than visual.  The music of Thomas Tallis's 1575, Spem in alium is played though 40 standing speakers circled around a large room with a white background.  The lack of color in the room helps enhance the listeners experience by allowing them to focus on the sounds they hear without visual distractions.  I found myself wrapped up in the beauty of the piece.  I think when my fiancĂ© and I purchase a home we should create a room with surround sound like that!

From the Floor blog site - Todd Gibson on "The Forty-Part Motet 2005

Other works by Janet Cardiff

P.S. There are no photos allowed in MoMA P.S.1

Thursday, September 15, 2011